"Creativity is such a wonderful thing, if you’ve got it in spades then you’re definitely one of life’s lucky people. Having a vision for what should go where and knowing how to put it there is arguably in the blood but practice really helps...Tim Cumper, is one of those clever and creative people, a model maker by day and shed tinkerer by night" . Quote from Ross Sharp, Bike Shed - www.thebikeshed.cc
I studied Product Design at university and have worked in the creative industry ever since, both at design consultancies and more recently as a freelance consultant, dedicating my spare time to developing my own business.
I've always had a love of motorbikes and when on holiday in Japan I was fascinated by the custom bikes in the shops in Tokyo – small capacity with a unique style and modified on a limited budget. That was the inspiration for my first custom bike project and things have grown from there!
I'm lucky to have a fantastic workshop in Somerset from where I'm currently working on a number of furniture pieces and custom electric vehicles - watch this space!